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The army divides, half of them waiting above ground on Brisley Green, the other half moving in from below the Mountains of Ilium. As they attack the Queen enters Desdina’s mind to weave a single strand of her platinum hair into the Web. This takes root with Ayrlin’s magic growing into a giant tree that rips The Web apart bursting through the roof of the cavern to allow the other half of the army to attack from above. To Frong’s dismay Webron sees and stings Desdina who falls as the battle begins.

In the midst of the battle the Queen finds the lovers, Desdina seemingly dead in Frong’s arms. Using her powers of illusion she hides them from danger promising Frong that Desdina will be reborn as the blossom breaks from the tree at daybreak. She gives him an enchanted suit of armour and they return to the battle where Frong fights Webron. As the Dark Lord’s coils wrap around Frong the suit of armor unleashes barbs which pierce his snakelike body. Webron falls, presumed dead by Frong’s hand and although the battle rages on, with no leader Webron’s army disperse, eventually to be crushed by the Truro.

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